A day in the life of a Little Wildling…

"The greatest gift we can give our children is learning in, with, and from nature. For in its embrace, they discover not just the world around them, but the world within themselves."

“Good Morning”

As the rays of sunlight filter through the trees, the day at Bush Kindy begins with a warm and cheerful welcome. Parents and children arrive at Little Wildlings, where friendly educators are ready to kick off the day. After exchanging hugs and goodbyes, the children eagerly set off to explore their Asurroundings, diving into a world of natural wonders. At Bush Kindy, we embrace a child-led approach, allowing the children to choose activities based on their interests and needs. Whether they decide to stay inside for some quiet reading time or venture outside to connect with nature, this flexibility supports their unique rhythms and preferences, encouraging autonomy and engagement from the very start of the day.

Exploration and Adventurous Play

At Bush Kindy, play is the cornerstone of learning. Children spread out across the site, their laughter blending with the natural sounds of the bush. Some rush to the mud pit, reveling in the cool, squishy texture, while others head to the sand pit or the climbing structures. They might scale trees to reach new heights, balance on tightropes stretched between branches, or craft their own swings from ropes and logs. Through adventurous play, children test their limits, uncover their strengths, and learn to navigate the world with growing confidence.

At other times, loose parts like sticks, stones, and leaves transform into magical tools for exploration and creativity, turning the space into a vibrant workshop of imagination. Logs become cars for imaginative journeys, and leaves turn into currency in a pretend shop where rocks serve as counters. They might race leaf boats down a stream, build intricate cubbies, splash joyfully in the creek, or whip up culinary creations in the mud kitchen of their three-storey cubby house.

Learning through Play

Learning at Bush Kindy is interwoven with exploration, in a dynamic, living classroom. Alongside educators, children might spot insects, count birds flitting through the trees, or investigate leaf patterns. They may point out letters hidden in bark or numbers in the sky, and begin to associate sounds with words as we look for information about what we’ve found. They might make signs for our vegetable patch, or write their own stories about our adventures with our help. No matter what, all these beautiful pre literacy, and pre numeracy skills are seamlessly integrated throughout our day.

At Bush Kindy, creativity and learning also blend seamlessly. Children may immerse themselves in artistic activities using natural materials, painting, drawing, and crafting their creations. Their artwork captures their interactions with the environment, reflecting unique perspectives and ideas. Alongside their artistic pursuits, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) concepts are woven into their daily experiences. For instance, children might measure ingredients for cooking, stir up magic potions, and observe changes in states of matter over the fire when we are cooking. Or they might notice shadows on a sunny day, watch sand absorb water, or explore the creek’s seasonal transformations. All of which provide rich opportunities for scientific inquiry, as children develop a deeper understanding of the natural world and the principles that govern it.

Through these interactions, children build a profound love for learning, and connection to nature as they witness the changes over time.

Incorporating First Nations Perspectives

We honor and integrate First Nation’s perspectives into our daily routines at Bush Kindy. Each day begins with an Acknowledgement of Country, recognizing the traditional custodians of the land and their enduring connection to it. We teach children to care for the land and take only what is needed, embracing the sustainability principles practiced by First Nation’s peoples. Additionally, we practice Dadirri, a form of mindfulness that promotes deep listening and reflection, helping children build a respectful and mindful relationship with their environment.

We believe in engaging in conversations with local First Nation’s community members to gain valuable insights and deepen our connection to the land and its history. With their permission we might learn to count or speak in local dialects, share First Nations books and stories, or identify and explore native plants to understand traditional uses and their significance.

Beyond the Gate

At Bush Kindy, our philosophy emphasizes that meaningful learning can thrive right within our natural setting. However, we also believe in the value of connecting with the wider community and experiencing life beyond our gate. Each day, a group of children will venture outside the gate to explore new environments and broaden their horizons. Whether it's a bus ride to a local beach or bay where we will explore and investigate, or a 2-kilometer walk to the nearby forest for a deeper immersion in nature, these outings are a highlight of their week.

These excursions provide opportunities for physical activity, navigation skills, and environmental appreciation, enriching children’s understanding of diverse ecosystems and fostering a love for discovering new places. We respect that some children may prefer to stay behind, and we follow their lead, ensuring that each child’s comfort and preferences are honored.

Meals and Rest

Our approach to meals mirrors the flexibility of our learning philosophy. Families prepare lunchboxes with their children at home, and the children bring their own food to Bush Kindy. During rolling morning teas and lunches, children select from their lunchboxes whenever they're hungry, helping them attune to their own needs and rhythms.

In winter, mealtimes often turn into a hands-on learning experience as we gather around the fire to share a meal and cook together. Children might be asked to bring an ingredient like a carrot to add to a soup, or we may provide the food ourselves. They can assist in preparing and cooking the dishes.

Throughout the year, we will also participate in shared meals, which foster community and provide opportunities for practical learning about cooking, nutrition, and teamwork. These might includes things like baking fresh bread, and making jam for our afternoon tea, or cooking pizzas in our woodfired pizza over.

After eating, children can choose to nap or relax either outside or inside, depending on their preference. This might involve some quiet time with books, puzzles, or yoga for some, while others might drift off to sleep, wrapped in blankets and resting under the open sky, in tune with the natural world.

Caring for Country

Caring for Country is a core value at Bush Kindy, intricately woven into our community engagement approach. We teach children to respect and care for their environment, emphasizing their role in sustainable actions for current and future generations. They will develop an understanding how even small actions, such as picking up litter to prevent it from blowing into the ocean where plastic bags can be mistaken for jellyfish by turtles, can have significant environmental impacts.

Our efforts might include supporting local endangered species, planting native species to enhance local ecosystems, and rotating the natural spaces that we explore to minimize our environmental footprint. Parents and families are essential to our community, and we warmly invite you to join us anytime to share your culture, language, and skills. Your involvement not only enriches our program but also helps build a stronger, more inclusive community. We believe it takes a village to raise a child, and we cherish the village we create together here. Your presence and participation are integral in shaping a nurturing and supportive environment for all.


As the day draws to a close, children help with clean-up and reflect on their experiences. They share their favorite moments and discoveries with their peers and teachers, their faces bright with the joy of the day. When parents arrive to pick them up, they receive updates on the day’s adventures, along with stories of what their child explored, learned, and enjoyed.

At Bush Kindy, every day is an adventure, crafted by the curiosity and creativity of the children. It’s a place where learning happens naturally, in the midst of play and exploration. We’re thrilled to share these magical days with your children and watch them thrive in the heart of nature.